Sex Education goes a step further in the States.

Porn stars, bestiality, phone sex -- These are all topics that could very well become part of the Sex Education curriculum next year in New York City high schools and middle schools

The Department of Education is recommending students be taught everything there is to know about sex in addition to teens protecting themselves from STDs and unwanted pregnancies.

But, some parents say it's too much. "You're exposing them at a much younger age," one parent said. "I don't know how much they're going to be able to absorb and determine how information should be used at that point because they're still a kid."

Lesson plans will focus on condoms and lubricants, mutual masturbation, french kissing, oral and anal sex. It's shocking to some, but OK with others -- even some students. "Last year when we talked about it, it was really awkward naturally, but I suppose it's important to learn about these things," a middle school student said.

"I think it's a good idea," his father added. "They're going to have sex. They know it exists. Teaching them about it in my mind doesn't sanction it or encourage it."

To that end, the city Department of Health is advertising for a "Condom Coordinator," which pays more than $80,000 a year.

Come spring, the new material could be incorporated into the curriculum, with condoms in public schools just a hall pass away.
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